Green Line Landscaping Design, MG10 section (see details)

- Interdisciplinary design for the Ponte Nova Historical Memory Preservation. Part of the Environmental Design in the Construction of Ponte Nova's Hydroelectric Plant. UFMG/CEMIG/Leme Engenharia Agreement

- Urbanization project, mapping and survey of the villages and slums road system in the County of Contagem/MG;

- Participation in CEMIG's consulting for the assessment of the improvements made in the areas adjacent to the high voltage towers in the "Morro da Pedreira" slums in Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Development of the "Public Library Systems and their infrastructure" project with the librarian Maria de Lourdes Côrtes Romanelli, presented in the XVI Congress of Librarianship and Documentation in September, 1991, Salvador/BA;

- "Library Car" Project for the Libraries Superintendence of the State of Minas Gerais;

- Participation in the Open Library (BIBA - Biblioteca Aberta) project, with an interdisciplinary team, composed by librarians, artists, writers and journalists. Created for the Latin American Congress of Librarianship and Documentation in April, 1994, Belo Horizonte/MG;

- "House of Story Telling" project with librarian Graça Maria Fragoso for the Library of Santa Dorotéia School in Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Residential design for Yan Prucha Vieira da Costa, with 280m2 constructed area, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Residential design for Márcio Decat de Moura, with 320m2 constructed area, Condômino Canto das Águas, Rio Acima/MG;

- Residential design for Lara and Silvia Maria de Moura Melo, with 120m2 constructed area, Juatuba/MG;

- Residential design for Daniele Cristina Souza Silva, with 420m2 constructed area, Mangabeira, Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Residential design for Luiz Lobato Alves da Silva, with 350 m2 constructed area, Condominio Bosque Residencial do Jambreiro, Nova Lima/MG;

- Residential design for Romualdo Batista Cardoso, with 260m2 constructed area, Paquetá, Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Remodeling design for the apartment of Mrs. Denise Mascarenhas Alemão, with 80m2 constructed area, Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Interior design for "Gurudax - Nova Cultura" shop, Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Interior Design for "Agência New" shop, Shopping Diamond Mall, Belo Horizonte/MG;

- Design for a Hotel in Serra do Cipó; MG, with constructed area of approximately 1.300m2;

- Architectonic, landscaping and urbanistic designs development within the sections from the District of Cardeal Mota and the town of Conceição do Mato Dentro/MG, on the following places: Subida dos Escravos, Santinha, Serra Morena and Morro do Pilar belvederes, Estatua do Juquinha, guardrail on the bridge over Santo Antonio River, bus-stops;

- Preliminary design development for the implementation of the Ecological University "Condor Blanco", Andes Mountain Range, Pucón, South Chile;

- Preliminary Study for the implementation of the Poço Bonito Municipal Forest Park, Lavras/MG;

- Preliminary Study for the implementation of the Água Limpa Ecological Station, Cataguases/MG;

- Nova Baden State Park infrastructure planning, Lamabari/MG;

- Diagnosis for the implementation of the Serra São José Municipal Park, Tiradentes/MG;

- Diagnosis of the Mar de Espanha Biological Reserve/MG and of the Ibitipoca State Park/MG infrastructure;

- Rio Doce State Park infrastructure planning, Marliéia/MG;

- Participation in the Study Group for the creation of the Protected Areas System in the State of Minas Gerais, IEF/MG;

- Infrastructure planning for the Itacolomi State Park implementation;

- Architectonic designs for the Rio Doce State Park: Reception, Restaurant, Relationship Center for the camping area, Parking Lot, Research Center, Memorial for the 50 years of the park;

- Project for the enlargement of the Ibitipoca State Park/MG Information Center;

- Architectonic and landscaping designs for the Poço Bonito Municipal Forest Park, Lavras/MG; Reception, Information Center, Chapel, Square, Amphitheater, snack bar, Italian Theater with 600 seats, fountain, Sundial, Belvedere, kiosks, Dressing-rooms, Courts and Surveillance Station.

- Architectonic designs for the Água Limpa Ecologic Station, Cataguases/MG;

- Architectonic designs for Nova Baden State Park, Lambari/MG: Reception, Information Center and Administration Center remodeling;

- Architectonic designs for the Itacolomi State Park, Ouro Preto/MG: Reception of Lavras Novas Training and Environmental Education Center;

- Architectonic design for the enlargement of the Forest State Institute Regional Office head office, Ubá/MG

- Square Designs:
Nominato de Paiva Duque Square, Lima Duarte/MG,
Graciliano Ramos Square, Juiz de Fora/MG,
Rosário Square, Tombos/MG.

- Landscaping Design for the Twenty-second Battalion of the Military Police of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte/MG.
"Novo Arrudas" Design - the Landscaping revitalization of a River. Donated to the City Hall of Belo Horizonte in the celebration of its centennial.

- Internal signaling design of the Shopping Savannah Mall in Belo Horizonte/MG;

- "Vale Fundo" Environmental Protection Area creation project in the county of Santo Hipólito /MG for the registration in the Instituto Estadual de Florestas to obtain the Ecologic ICMS;

- "Quebra-Pé" Environmental Protection Area creation project in the County of Monjolos /MG for the registration in the Instituto Estadual de Florestas to obtain the Ecologic ICMS;

- Santo Hipólito Historic Heritage Preservation Project for the registration in the Minas Gerais Artistic and Historic Heritage State Institute [Instituto Estadual do Patrimônio Histórico e Artistico]

- IEPHA to obtain the Cultural ICMS;

- Environmental zoning project of Serra de Santa Helena Environmental Protection Area in the county of Sete Lagoas /MG for the registration in the Instituto Estadual de Florestas to obtain the Ecologic ICMS.

- Coordination of creation projects for the "Vale Fundo" Environmental Protection Area in the county of Santo Hipólito /MG, "Quebra - Pé" Environmental Protection Area in the county of Monjolos / MG and the environmental zoning of the Serra Santa Helena Environmental Protection Area in the county of Sete Lagoas / MG.

- Coordination of architectonic, complementary designs and work inspection of the Caixa Econômica Federal agencies of the Zona da Mata Business Office and the Triangulo Mineiro Business Office;

- Fire Fight and Prevention Project for the Banco Itaú branches located in the State of Minas Gerais;

- Architectonic and complementary remodeling design of the following Caixa Econômica Federal branches in Minas Gerais: Halfeld,/Juiz de Fora, Manchester/Juiz de Fora, São João del Rei, Visconde do Rio Branco, Viçosa, UFV Viçosa, Ponte Nova, Bicas, Rio Pomba, Rio Casca, Raul Soares, Carandaí, Santos Dumont, Carangola, Cataguases, PAB Justiça do Trabalho/Juiz de Fora, PAB Justiça Federal/Juiz de Fora, Além Paraíba, Pirapetinga, São João Nepomuceno, Patrocínio, Araguari, São Gotardo, João Pinheiro, Ituiutaba,

- Architectonic and complementary design for the construction and remodeling of the following Caixa Econômica Federal branches in the State of Rio de Janeiro: Paraiba do Sul, Três Rios and Sapucaia.

- Remodeling architectonic and complementary design of the following Caixa Econômica Federal branches in Minas Gerais for the creation of the 24hs Bank: Barbacena, Muriaé, Araxá, Patos de Minas, Uberaba

- Remodeling architectonic design for approval at Municipal City Halls in the State of Minas Gerais for the following HSBC Bamerindus Bank branches: Contagem Cidade Industrial, Matozinhos, Ituiutaba, Fernando Costa/Uberaba, Itaúna, Av. Rio Branco and Halfeld/Juiz de Fora, Ubá.

- Remodeling architectonic design for approval at the City Hall in Belo Horizonte for the following Banco Itaú branches: Tupinambás, Praça Raul Soares, São Lucas, Av. Amazonas, Comércio, Av. Dom Pedro II, Alípio de Melo, Rua da Bahia, Floresta, Barreiro, Cidade Nova, São Bento, Siom, Nova Suissa, Tupis, Barro Preto, Gutierrez, Parque Municipal, Carlos Prates, Santo Antônio, Paraná, Planalto, Silviano Brandão, Funcionários, Abílio Machado, Getúlio Vargas, Rua Goitacazes, Afonso Arinos, Santo Agostinho, Capital, Praça da Liberdade, Alemg, Praça Sete, Abrahão Caram, Belvedere, Serra, Venda Nova, Buritis, Coração Eucarístico, Ouro Preto, Prefeitura, Silva Lobo, Personalité Funcionários and Mangabeiras;

- Remodeling architectonic design for approval at the Municipal City Halls in the State of Minas Gerais in the following Banco Itaú branches: Além Paraíba, Betim, Bonfim, Campestre, Carangola, Caxambú, Diamantina, Itabira, Itabirito, Itaúna, Jacutinga, Machado, Malacacheta, Mariana, Oliveira, Ouro Branco, Pará de Minas, Perdões, Recreio, Santa Luzia, Santos Dumont, São Gotardo, São Lourenço, Três Corações, Três Pontas, Uberlândia, Viçosa and Visconde do Rio Branco.

- Remodeling architectonic design for approval at the City Hall in Belo Horizonte for the following HSBC Bamerindus Bank branches: Imperador, Praça Sete, Praça Raul Soares and Savassi;

- Development of the fire fight and prevention project for Presidente Tancredo Neves International Airport - Confins/MG;

- Interior, electric, structured cabling, CFTV, telecommunications, audio, video, projection and sonority architectonic design for Anatel

- Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações in Belo Horizonte and Rio de Janeiro head offices.